- Rafal Smigrodzki, Ben
Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin, Lucio Coelho,
Francisco Prosdocimi, and W. Davis Parker.
Genetic algorithm for analysis of mutations in Parkinson's disease.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 35(3):227–241, 2005.
- Ben Goertzel, Hugo Pinto,
Ari Heljakka, Izabela Freire Goertzel,
Mike Ross, and Cassio Pennachin.
dependency parsing and probabilistic inference to extract relationships
between genes, proteins and malignancies implicit among multiple biomedical
research abstracts.
In Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL BioNLP Workshop on Linking Natural
Language and Biology, 2006.
- Benjamin N Goertzel, Cassio
Pennachin, Lucio de Souza Coelho, Brian
Gurbaxani, Elizabeth M Maloney, and James F
Combinations of single nucleotide polymorphisms in neuroendocrine effector and
receptor genes predict chronic fatigue syndrome.
Pharmacogenomics, 7:475–483, 2006.
- Ben
A pragmatic path toward endowing virtually-embodied AIs with human-level
linguistic capability.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks, 2008.
- Ben Goertzel, Cassio
Pennachin, Maurício de Alvarenga Mudado, and
Lúcio de Souza Coelho.
Identifying the genes
and genetic interrelationships underlying the impact of calorie restriction
on maximum lifespan: an artificial intelligence-based approach..
Rejuvenation research, 11(4):735–48, 2008.
- Ben Goertzel, Cassio
Pennachin, Nil Geissweiller, Moshe Looks,
Andre Senna, Welter Silva, Ari
Heljakka, and Carlos Lopes.
An Integrative Methodology for Teaching Embodied Non-Linguistic Agents,
Applied to Virtual Animals in Second Life.
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications,
171:161–175, 2008.
- David Hart and Ben Goertzel.
A software framework for integrative artificial general intelligence.
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications,
171(1):468–472, 2008.
- Matthew Iklé and Ben
quantifier logic for general intelligence: An indefinite probabilities
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications,
171(1):188–199, 2008.
- Ben
NS: A Deeply-Interactive Hybrid Neural-Symbolic Cognitive Architecture
Designed for Global/Local Memory Synergy.
In AAAI Fall Symposium: Biologically Inspired Cognitive
Architectures, volume 9, pages 63–68, 2009.
- Ben
OpenCog Prime: A cognitive synergy based architecture for artificial general
In Proceedings of the 2009 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive
Informatics, pages 60–68, 2009.
- Matthew
Ikle, Joel Pitt, Ben Goertzel, and
George Sellman.
Economic Attention Networks: Associative Memory and Resource Allocation for
General Intelligence.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Artificial General
Intelligence, 2009.
- Moshe Looks and Ben Goertzel.
Representation for General Intelligence.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Artificial General
Intelligence, 2009.
- Nil Geisweiller and Ben
Spatiotemporal Logic for General Intelligence.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Artificial General
Intelligence, 2010.
- Ben Goertzel, Hugo De Garis,
Cassio Pennachin, Nil Geisweiller,
Samir Araujo, Joel Pitt, Shuo
Chen, Ruiting Lian, Min Jiang,
Ye Yang, and Deheng Huang.
Achieving Generally Intelligent Virtual Agent Control and Humanoid Robotics
via Cognitive Synergy.
In Proceedings of International Conference on Artifical
Intelligence, 2010.
- Ben Goertzel, Cassio
Pennachin, Samir Araujo, Fabricio Silva,
Murilo Queiroz, Ruiting Lian,
Welter Silva, Michael Ross, Linas
Vepstas, and Andre Senna.
General Intelligence Oriented Architecture for Embodied Natural Language
In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Artificial General
Intelligence, 2010.
- Ben Goertzel, Joel Pitt,
Matthew Ikle, Cassio Pennachin, and
Liu Rui.
Glocal memory: A critical design principle for artificial brains and minds.
Neurocomputing, 74(1-3):84–94, 2010.
- Matthew Ikle and Ben
Possible Worlds Semantics in Experiential Semantics.
In Proceedings of the 3d Conference on Artificial General
Intelligence, 2010.
- Ruiting
Lian, Ben Goertzel, Rui Liu,
Michael Ross, Murilo Queiroz, and
Linas Vepstas.
Sentence generation
for artificial brains: A glocal similarity-matching approach.
Neurocomputing, 74(1-3):95–103, 2010.
- Zhenhua Cai,
Ben Goertzel, and Nil Geisweiller.
OpenPsi: Realizing Dorner's "Psi" cognitive model in the OpenCog integrative
AGI architecture.
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
- Ben
Novel Strategy for Hybridizing Subsymbolic and Symbolic Learning and
In AAAI Fall Symposium: Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2011.
- Ben
Lifelong Forgetting: A Critical Ingredient of Lifelong Learning , and Its
Implementation in the OpenCog Integrative AI Framework.
Lifelong Learning: Papers from the 2011 AAAI Workshop, 2011.
- Ben Goertzel, Joel Pitt,
Jared Wigmore, Nil Geisweiller,
Zhenhua Cai, Ruiting Lian, Deheng
Huang, and Gino Yu.
Cognitive Synergy between Procedural and Declarative Learning in the Control
of Animated and Robotic Agents Using the OpenCogPrime AGI Architecture.
In Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pages 1436–1441, 2011.
- Matthew Ikle and Ben
Nonlinear-dynamical attention allocation via information geometry.
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
- Zhenhua
Cai, Ben Goertzel, Changle Zhou,
Yongfeng Zhang, Min Jiang, and
Gino Yu.
Dynamics of a
computational affective model inspired by Dorner's PSI theory.
Cognitive Systems Research, 17-18:63–80, 2012.
- Ben
Perception processing for general intelligence: Bridging the
symbolic/subsymbolic gap.
AI, 2012.
- Ben
processing for general intelligence, Part II: Bridging the
symbolic/subsymbolic gap, 2012.
- Ruiting
Lian, Ben Goertzel, Shujing Ke,
Jade O'Neill, Keyvan Sadeghi,
Simon Shiu, Dingjie Wang, Oliver
Watkins, and Gino Yu.
Syntax-semantic mapping for general intelligence: Language comprehension as
hypergraph homomorphism, language generation as constraint satisfaction.
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
- Jade
O'Neill, Ben Goertzel, Shujing Ke,
Ruiting Lian, Keyvan Sadeghi,
Simon Shiu, Dingjie Wang, and
Gino Yu.
Pattern mining for general intelligence: The FISHGRAM algorithm for frequent
and interesting subhypergraph mining.
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
- Ben Goertzel, Shujing Ke,
Ruiting Lian, Jade O'Neill,
Keyvan Sadeghi, Dingjie Wang,
Oliver Watkins, and Gino Yu.
The CogPrime architecture for embodied Artificial General Intelligence.
In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
for Human-Like Intelligence, pages 60–67, 2013.
- Ben Goertzel, Ted Sanders,
and Jade O'Neill.
Integrating deep learning based perception with probabilistic logic via
frequent pattern mining.
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
- Ben Goertzel and Gino Yu.
A cognitive API and its application to AGI intelligence assessment.
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
pages 242–245, 2014.
- Ben Goertzel and Gino Yu.
From here to AGI: A roadmap to the realization of human-level artificial
general intelligence.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks, pages 1525–1533, 2014.
- Ben Goertzel, David Hanson,
and Gino Yu.
software architecture for generally intelligent humanoid robotics.
Procedia Computer Science, 41:158–163, 2014.
- Ben Goertzel, Cassio
Pennachin, and Nil Geisweiller.
CogPrime with a Compositional Spatiotemporal Deep Learning Network.
In Engineering General Intelligence, Part 2, pages 163–172.
Atlantis Press, 2014.
- Cosmo Harrigan, Ben Goertzel,
Matthew Ikle, Amen Belayneh, and
Gino Yu.
Guiding probabilistic logical inference with nonlinear dynamical attention
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
pages 238–241, 2014.
- Keyvan Sadeghi and Ben
Uncertain Interval Algebra via fuzzy/probabilistic modeling.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy
Systems, pages 591–598, 2014.
- Ben
Are there deep reasons underlying the pathologies of today???s deep learning
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),
9205:70–79, 2015.
- Ben Goertzel, Nil
Geisweiller, Eddie Monroe, Mike Duncan,
Selamawit Yilma, Meseret Dastaw,
Misgana Bayetta, Amen Belayneh,
Matthew Ikle', and Gino Yu.
Speculative scientific inference via synergetic combination of probabilistic
logic and evolutionary pattern recognition.
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
- Ruiting
Lian, Rodas Solomon, Amen Belayneh,
Ben Goertzel, Gino Yu, and
Changle Zhou.
From specialized syntax to general logic: The case of comparatives.
In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence,
pages 301–309, 2015.
- Ben
Infusing Advanced AGIs with Human-Like Value Systems: Two Theses.
Journal of Evolution and Technology, 26(1):50–72, 2016.