Paria Mehrani presents “A Hierarchical Model for Border Ownership” at CVR 2017

Venue: CVR 2017, York University
Experiments on the visual cortex show existence of border ownership (BOS) neurons in V1 and V2. The responses of these neurons not only depend on the orientation of borders, but also on which side of the border the figure is. Neurophysiological studies show that BOS cell responses depend on information outside the classical receptive fields. In other words, contextual information appears to be an important component for border ownership computations. Previous computational models suggested employing feedback modulations for border ownership neurons. The idea relies on the fact that neurons higher in the ventral stream have larger receptive fields and hence, can provide the required contextual information to BOS cells. In this study, we propose an alternative approach for this purpose: we propose that the neurons in the dorsal stream could provide the required contextual information for border ownership computation. In particular, we investigate the possibility of BOS cell modulations from MT neurons. The proposed model is currently under investigation.