Lassonde Undergraduate Research Awards 2019
Since 2015 Lassonde has offered internal summer research awards to provide research experience for undergraduate students. The LURA program is run jointly with NSERC USRA and ends each summer with a professional conference that includes poster sessions, oral presentations, networking and awards.

This year Dr. John Tsotsos supervised undergraduate researcher Brittany Danishevsky. She presented her research project, “Object Detection in Nursing Homes for Autonomous Wheelchair Software” at the research conference held on August 15th, 2019. She is working on building software for an autonomous wheelchair that uses computer vision to navigate.

We are proud to announce Brittany was awarded second place for her oral presentation. Congratulations Brittany!
For more information regarding the conference, please click here.
To learn more about Brittany’s project, please click here.
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